Meet The Team

Founder and Headteacher
Moulana Akmal Hussain
Completed Hifz in 1997
Studied various Qira’at and obtained Ijaaza
Completed Full Alimiyyah in 2003
Completed BA Hons in Religion & Education 2011
Imaam and headteacher at Masjid-ul-Aqsa & Islamic Centre Oldham
Have taught many Islamic sciences including Usool fiqh & Hadeeth
Has been teaching Quran and Islamic studies for over 20 years.

Founder & Deputy headteacher
Muallima Arifa Begum
Completed Tajweed Course (all 8 levels) with Sheikh Awadullah Azhari (Open school of Arabic & Islamic studies)
Studied various Islamic subjects, Fiqh, Aqeeda, Hadeeth etc. with Sheikh Awadullah Azhari( OSAIS)
Taught Tajweed and Fiqh at OSAIS
Completed Diploma in Audiology at The University of Manchester
Has been teaching Quran and Islamic studies for over 15 years.

Senior Teacher
Muallima Aaminah Bhana
A graduate of Bradford Madrassah ( Jamiathul Imaam Muhammad Zakaria ) where she completed advance Islamic studies including Tajweed, Fiqh, Aqeeda and other subject. She also taught at the madrassah for 2 years including GCSE Arabic and along side that taught for 2 years at a local maktab in Bradford

Ayesha Apa
She has studied at A&A Islamic Tuition and then enrolled at Compass Learning Centre where she studied further advanced subjects including Tajweed, Fiqh, aqeeda and more. She has been a teacher with us for over 3 years.

Fahima Apa
She has studied at A&A Islamic Tuition and then enrolled at Compass Learning Centre where she studied further advanced subjects including Tajweed, Fiqh, aqeeda and more. She has been a teacher with us for over 2 years.

Muallima Tasfia Sirajee
A graduate of Jamia Al Kauthar in Lancaster where she studied and completed advanced Islamic studies including Tajweed, Fiqh, Aqeeda, Seerah and more. She has taught and conducted study circles at the madrassah.

Zainab Apa
She has studied at A&A Islamic Tuition and then enrolled at Compass Learning Centre where she is completing her Alimiyyah,advanced Islamic studies, including Tajweed, Fiqh, aqeeda and more. She has been a teacher with us for over 2 years.

Fathima Apa
She has studied with Moulana Akmal and then enrolled at Al Huda academy where she is completing her Alimiyyah,advanced Islamic studies, including Tajweed, Fiqh, aqeeda and more. She has joined us recently